Monday, June 3, 2013

Training list: Are they just stuff for archives and textbooks: NEED FOR HR OATH! WE OWE EMPLOYEES A LOT MORE!

There are training galore, trainers ready, content curated, audience ready, BUT, are HR Leaders and Business Leaders ready for these?
Let's explore. (or Let's debate?) Reminds of Arnab Goswami! Love this guy...

If HR professionals had to take an "Oath" at the time of passing out MBA or when they get inducted in an organisation, they would not have ignored people development so much....

Time for HR oath?

Even if you browse through the list below, it will highlight, how much training each organisation needs..turning a blind eye to people development can be disastrous. Capabilities are built through a humble start on Motivation, Inclusion, Empowerment, Enablement and drive..

Focus Areas of the Motivational Training workshop:
Showing Self-Confidence
Never Give-Up
What is Success?
Characteristics Essential to Achieving Success
The Power of Positive Attitude
Expectations and Self-Efficacy
Importance of Commitment
Power of Persistence
Ways to Motivate Oneself
Personal Goal Setting
The Problem Solving Training Program focuses on the following areas:
Pareto Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Decision making tools
Problem Re-statement Technique
Today all organizations are in the business of problem solving and decision making. The greatest challenge lies in constant evaluation of solutions to problems.
Below listed are the areas of emphasis in our Assertiveness Training:
Understanding Assertiveness
Understanding how it benefits workplace communication
Acquiring the skills of Assertive Communication
Using Transactional analysis to communicate assertively
Dealing with 'Aggressive' and 'Submissive' behavior
The art of saying 'No'
The skill of persuasion - a primary skill for successful negotiation
Training Program that focuses on the following areas:
The importance of the first impression
Body language
Voice and speech
Meeting etiquette
Business telephone etiquette
Business email writing etiquette
Business writing techniques are presented in logical order, concentrating on two main areas:
Understanding the Audience
o Understand the needs of the audience
o Clarify the purpose for writing
o Using channels of communication effectively (email, fax, memos etc.)
Writing Style and Techniques
o Choice of words, length and content of sentences
o How to structure ideas - bottom line first
o How to write good memos and summaries
o How to improve the look of your writing
o Using headings and visuals for impact
Change Management Training
Change takes place on three levels:

Organizational change management has to happen at all the three interrelated levels. Our Change Management Training is geared toward equipping participants with the various aspects that have to be considered in the change management process. This helps to support managers, consultants and other change facilitators to fulfill their mission - to initiate and sustain change processes.
Training Solutions would be on the following areas:
Learning the fundamental principles that manage change.
Managing the people aspect of change by focusing on the key areas that are affected during this process:
o Awareness
o Motivation
o Knowledge
o Competence
o Reinforcement
Creating the structural framework for managing change by developing effective:
o Master Change Plans
o Communication Plans
o Coaching Plans
o Resistance Management Plans
o Training Plans
This course has been found to create an impact in the following areas:
Increases employee morale
Reduces resistance to change
Decreases employee turnover

Increases productivity
Lowers employee stress
Improves the relationship between employees and management

The key focus areas of Coaching and Mentoring Program
Coaching and its importance
Difference between Coaching & Mentoring
Phases of Coaching
o Preparation
o Negotiation
o Enabling
o Feedback
o Dealing with Obstacles
o Follow Up
Motivation & Coaching
Mentoring and its importance
Phases of Mentoring
The Role & Skills of a Mentor
Self-assessment as a Mentor
Organizational behavior for a Mentor
Values of Coaching & Mentoring
Delegation & Succession Planning in Mentoring
Building a Mentoring Culture
o Accountability
o Alignment
o Creating an environment of open and honest Communication
o Value and visibility
o Demand
o Multiple mentoring opportunities
o Education and training
o Safety nets
Learning from real life examples
o Sport Coaches
o Successful Mentors
Leadership Training
In order to make the leadership coaching we provide to you a resounding success, we use the process of the 4 Es to achieve this end:
Envision - creating appropriate goals and effectively communicating it the stakeholders
Enable - creating the appropriate culture and processes necessary to achieve these goals
Empower - providing people with the necessary resources that will allow them to function at their highest
Energize - motivating and energizing by rewarding both individual and team successes and focusing on communicating information to all concerned at appropriate times
The Leadership Training Program conducted by will also focus on:
Traditional theories of leadership
Developing desired traits of leadership
Leading in today's constantly changing environment
Understanding the different roles to be played by a leader
Conflict Resolution Training & Negotiation Training Programs contain powerful conflict resolution techniques - negotiation, assertiveness and persuasion - and significantly help improve workplace conflict resolution.
Conflict is the result of people having differing needs, opinions, and expectations. The reality of conflict is that in any human relationship it is inevitable. More importantly, if handled well conflict provides a powerful avenue for significant growth. Hence developing good conflict resolution techniques is very important and essential.
Conflict resolution involves recognizing and managing the particular conflict. This is an essential part of building emotional intelligence, and nurturing relationships. Poorly handled conflict can affect both the employees and the clients thereby impacting the company's bottom-line. To maintain your competitive advantage, you need the entire organization to focus on developing conflict resolution strategies to quickly and effectively resolve conflict, while building trust and commitment with clients and colleagues
Conflict Resolution Techniques:
WIN/WIN Approach
Managing Emotions
Negotiation Skills
Assertiveness Skills
Persuasive Skills
o Increased employee morale
o Increased employee productivity
o Increased employee communication
o Increased customer satisfaction
o Increased customer base
o Increased profitability
Creativity & Innovation is the single most important factor that keeps you ahead of the competition. When providing training for development, creative thinking is identified as one of the key programs. The role of creative ideas is demonstrated in this quote by the world renowned expert on creativity
Creative Thinking provides unconventional techniques that help people escape from their usual patterns of thinking to produce enhanced results. The key is creativity. Innovation will never happen without creative ideas, processes, and thoughts.
Who needs a program on creative thinking? Not only senior management and R&D, but anyone who wants a disciplined approach (process) for innovation, idea generation, concept development, or a strategy to challenge the status quo.
The Creative Thinking Skills Training Program run by provides the following benefits
Spark your creativity on demands
Turn problems into opportunities
Increase your number of new and practical ideas dramatically
Gain contributions from everyone in the organization by using idea-generating tools that are productive and fun
The focus of the training is on the following areas
Introduction to business creativity
Identifying the barriers to creative thinking
Factors that encourage creativity
Common myths of creativity
Attitudes that kill creative ideas
Tools for creative thinking:
o Brainstorming
Individual Brainstorming
Group Brainstorming
Reverse Brainstorming
o Discontinuity Principle
o Block and tackle exercise
Thinking ‘outside the box’
Intrinsic motivation & creativity
Common reaction to creative ideas
Tips for creative thinking
Cross Cultural Training and Diversity Training programs
In today's globalized business world, our Cross Cultural Training, BPO Training and Cultural Sensitivity Training programs have been helping organizations in raising cultural awareness, and tolerance of the intricate differences in culture.
Business across borders is more the norm today than the exception, and has created an increased need for Cultural Awareness Training. Organizations have realized that in order to succeed, they have to be equipped with the knowledge of how cultural differences of consumers affect the mode of operation and business. Cultural awareness is of vital importance, as application of such knowledge can greatly contribute to the success of an organization.
Business culture
Intercultural communication etiquette
Political system
Sport and entertainment
Cross cultural communication protocols
Phrases and mannerisms typical to the culture
Emotional Intelligence, or EI, is a skill of leadership that cannot be overlooked. The primary skill of leadership management is to handle the emotions of others. Hence Emotional Intelligence training is in all leadership programs.
Emotional Intelligence describes an ability or capacity to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, and of others. Our EQ, or Emotional Quotient, is how one measures Emotional Intelligence.
Why is Emotional Intelligence a critical part of management training and development?
Understanding emotional intelligence enables the employees to increase their ability to control their own emotions and understand and support the emotions of others. This skill of leadership results in increased cooperation and healthy work environment.
The Emotional Intelligence Training Program will enable you to
Apply the five branches of emotional intelligence
Take responsibility for your emotions and happiness
Analyze your own feelings rather than the action or motives of other people
Set goals to generate key customer feelings
Minimize problems caused by negative feelings
Avoid undue stress
The focus of our training would be in the following areas
How to perceive and identify emotions in faces, tone of voice and body language
Increase your self-awareness: being aware of your own feelings as they are occurring
Emotional literacy: Label and specify feelings in yourself and others, the ability to discuss emotions and communicate clearly and directly
Incorporating feelings into analysis, reasoning, problem solving and decision making
Developing leadership with a high EQ; being aware of feelings, not a slave to logic, intellect and reason; making decisions  and managing people; reading the non-verbal emotions in others
Identifying and understanding the inter-relationships between emotions, thoughts and behavior; cause and effect relationships, how thoughts can affect emotions and how emotions can affect thoughts, and how your emotions can lead to specific behavior in yourself and others

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Moonlighting and hypocrisy of corporate India..